Tuesday, September 21, 2010

it'll be anarchy.

i roll with pretty BITCHES.
I have missed ya'll, is the feeling mutual?

My english teacher, funny guy, known him for years, decided it'd be really funny to recite a big quote from "The Breakfast Club" and then gave us 10 minutes to write a 1000 essay on who we really think we are.
Got me thinking, who do i think i really am? It's funny, do we really ever know who we really are? Other than our physical attributes. I know, i have long brown hair, although i dye it, it isnt actually this dark, i have bluey green eyes that change colour, im average/tall height, very curvy, but hey, im proud of the curves i have, this is what i look like, but is it me?
I am flirty, with everybody, i dont like it about me, but i flirt without thinking, with my friends, people i dont know, teachers, everybody! its kinda bad, anyway, im bubbly and outgoing, loud, and just like to have fun. I love my family, friends and Angus. I dont know 100% who i really am, i know im Casey Lee Campbell and i pretty much love life. 

Whaaaaaaaaaaat else?
I had my birthday party on friday night, was fantastic to be with all of my friends from the past and now, and my family, it was fantastic. 
A few of my friends seem to be worrying about me, but i dont get why? Odd.

I leave you with me and Angus, for he is lovely, and i will be back with a better more logical, uplifting i dont know, just a better piece of writing? Blog.

and no, he isnt touching me..i dont think.

Oh toodlessssss!
