Tuesday, August 24, 2010

the one your parents warned you about.

I am just that indeed. It's funny, you know, life really, how at one point when everything is going perfect, it really ALL goes perfect, on the other hand, when it all falls the fuck apart, well everything goes down hill and life doesnt seem worth living, but then again, somebody can just as easily come along and make everything all better.

With such an awesome, or should i say -prepare for inside joke- a TAPE weekend, i have started a brilliant week too. I started with watching "HSC Drama" performances, its so spectacular to watch alot of my friends put so much hard work and effort into two days, i cannot wait until im in that position, and their faces when their GP's and IP's were all over, is just spectacular, before i know it, i'll be there.

Monday nights are always great, because i have state drama. This week in particular though, was just, i guess, mind blowing in a way? We have a workshop that also runs over next Monday night with "Alejandro" he specialises in Physical Theatre, and at the begining we were all having so much fun, by the end of it, we were focused, dead silent and just working so well together, it well, made you feel proud of yourself and those amazing people you have around you, it was amazing, and i cannot wait until next monday.

I was just communicating with my dear friend Francesca, and we were talking about things my mother doesnt know about me, or things i dont want my mother to know about me, and it got me thinking, there is alot that i do tell her,  but there is a hell of a lot i wouldnt dream of her knowing, or i would prefer that she didnt know, but can probably tell anyway. Mothers and fathers, were once us, they lived as sons, and as daughters, defying authority, having sex, taking drugs, experimenting, being in the wrong place at the worng time, also, note: not all of these things apply to me, or things i wouldnt let my mum know about me, its more a generalisation. anyway, so what i'm getting at is, really, should i hide these things from my mother? if i was in trouble, or wanted advice on really deep things, should i just talk to my friends, or keep it bottled up, until one day.. i do tell her? There is many options in life, but its just those little choices that eventually lead to our certain future.

Another thing, in my English class, i have to write a 'suspense' story, and its coming along i guess.. but my main focus in the class is more destracted by what we are learning, i'm taking it all in, but it just hurts me. We have been watching a movie called "Blackrock" and reading the play script called "A Property Of The Clan", both texts are  written by/adapted by the same person, and its about a true story of a girl who was gang raped and then murdered. I know it really shouldnt affect me as much as it does, but it does, i hate it. It makes me so sick, not what happened but just the fact that i am a teenage girl, just like the one that was murdered, and my friends are all teenage girls, it makes me feel sick as just knowing that people like that are out there, and they will try and take advantage of girls, its terrible, and i just think about the families who are in that situation to know that somebody would do that to their little girl. I just hate it.

On a lighter, happier, spectacular note, Angus Jones just keeps making my life so fantastic, im just really well, happy i guess, everything is like a time where everything is just going perfect, i dont have a care in the world :)so please no body ruin this chance for me, it means to much to me right now, everything just being so perfect.


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