Monday, February 14, 2011


one. if you don’t know who this man is you haven’t been living.
one. this is bono, say hi bono /waves.
one. anyway, bono is the lead singer of the band u2 (woo go bono)
one. so bono is a rockstar i guess and well he does some pretty amazing things.
one. you may have noticed rather than my points being numbered one, two, three, etc they are all numbered “one.” this is because to help fight against extreme poverty, hiv/aids, and so many other shocking things bono created one.
one. one is an organisation that only takes 30 seconds to sign up to (i’d know i signed up on an ipad before i saw u2) and that tiny 30 seconds creates greater awareness and support.
one. so please please take 30 seconds of your time just to show that you want to help in the fight against extreme poverty, knowing that you can help makes it worth while.
one. interested? sign up at and like so many others do as much as you can.
one. not interested? visit the site anyway, look at the online store, read some of the stories, im sure they’ll convince you, but you shouldn’t need it so jump online now cause you’re already on here, you may as well pop up another tab, type in and help the fight against extreme poverty!

that is all
<3 casey

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